Orthopedic Surgery

About the Department Expertise Medical Staff
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Seran General Hospital joint center, as <1 generation of joint specialty hospital of pioneer>, is the most typical medical field that can be grown in the current General Hospital.
1996 to succeed the cartilage biological transplantation of domestic second knee, in 2004 and has been solidified its position as a leader in the therapeutic areas of joint by quickly introducing a tip navigation artificial joint system. In addition, the largest artificial joint replacement, shoulder and upper limb, was specialized foot, a fine professional medical care, such as, we are focused on hospital internal growth of.
Various degenerative disease now, of course, arthritis, sports injuries, accounting for ambulatory position in the field of applicable arthroscopic surgery and micro surgery, such as in a variety of orthopedic disease trauma. In addition, artificial joints, foot, shoulder, the medical staff with a clinical experience and professional skills you have firmly over the orthopedic all areas such as upper limb, we are surgical treatment with a variety of medical care.

  • - More than 30 years orthopedic professional career
  • - Navigation artificial joint replacement surgery, the nation's first introduction and most record-keeping
  • - Year 40 000 people practice the outpatient
  • - Year 2000 times or more joints of course artificial joint surgery
