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고객서비스 - 온라인상담 +
병원장 인사말
  • 움직일때마다 어지러워요
  • 2017-10-25 hit.1,017
오래전부터 두통이 가끔씩 있긴했는데 한달정도전부터 바깥활동할때마다 걸으면 머리속이 흔들리는것같이 어지러운데 무슨 증상인지 궁금합니다. 나이는 35살이구요.

외근이 잦은 직업이라 스트레스때문인건지.. 같은일 4년째 하고있는데 요즘 갑자기 어지러움이 심해졌어요..
Hi everybody! Seek out a demo of the game named X-Hex. The essence of the game is this. Field rhombuses. On the fields put labels. Thanks to these points the field grows and becomes grand. At the moment when it begins to touch the opponent’s field. Tags begin run across now to the enemy, then back. The winner is the one who conquers the entire field. Present bonuses, a call to an aircraft that randomly bombes the enemy’s fields and can hurt yours. Interesting toy. P.S. Thank you in advance You can reply to the mail: judbayneoranderson@gmail.com

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